VU Compliance Symposium about ESG
ESG regulations in Europe are expanding faster than in most other areas in the world. Companies face an increasing threat of prosecution by activists; at the same time several companies recently indicated to scale down their ESG ambitions. In this symposium we dwell on the tension between ESG ambitions and international competitiveness, and how to avoid ineffective and inefficient ESG regulations and compliance. Plenary speeches and interactive panel discussions will shed light on questions like: What are unintended consequences of ESG regulations? What is the role of organizational culture on realizing effective ESG compliance? What is the role of regulations in motivating sustainable change, and how should companies and regulators change their interactions in order to efficiently realize ultimate ESG objectives?
José R. Hernandez – Chief Executive Officer at Ortus Strategies. Independent advisor to leaders of global companies. He is a published author of the book “Broken Business” and a frequent guest lecturer for the Compliance and Integrity Management Program at the VU.
Mirea Raaijmakers – Former Global Head of Behavioral Risk Management and Core lecturer of Module 1 of the Compliance and Integrity Management Program at the VU
Annelies Brink- van der Meer – Associate professor at the School of Business and Economics, at the VU. She is specialized in corporate law, financial reporting law, ESG and auditors liability. She is also a judge at the disciplinary chamber for auditors.
Jacco Wielhouwer – Full professor and academic director of the executive master of Compliance and Integrity Management, with research on compliance and enforcement of regulation. Before joining the VU, he held several senior positions in risk management (ING) and strategy (AFM).
Moderator : Saba Karsies-Ullah – Director of Risk & Compliance consulting PwC. Saba has extensive experience as an advisor in the financial sector.
Members : Piet Klop – Head of Responsible Investment, PGGM. He leads PGGM’s team which is driving ESG integration, running its active ownership program and expanding its Sustainable Development Investments, including the measurement of real-world impact.
Davine Roessingh – Partner at De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek. Her practice focuses on complex corporate and commercial disputes, often around ESG and sustainability.
José R. Hernandez – Chief Executive Officer at Ortus Strategies. Independent advisor to leaders of global companies. He is a published author of the book “Broken Business” and a frequent guest lecturer for the Compliance and Integrity Management Program at the VU.
Moderator : Mirea Raaijmakers – Former Global Head of Behavioral Risk Management and Core lecturer of Module 1 of the Compliance and Integrity Management Program at the VU
Members : Lotte van Meerten – Compliance Officer & Risk Manager at Lightrock. Lotte recently graduated “cum laude” from the Executive Master Compliance and Integrity Management at the VU.
Puck Isfordink – Senior Manager ESG & Change Management at PwC. She works as a sustainability consultant for different companies, helping them to build awareness around sustainability.
Tom van de Laar – Former Global Head of Behavioral Risk Management and core lecturer of Module 1 of the Compliance and Integrity Management Program at the VU
Chair : Kim Arts – Global Compliance Leader at IKEA and Core Teacher for the Compliance and Integrity Management Program at the VU.
From 12.00 – 17.00 hours
VU Compliance Symposium Tickets, Fri, Jun 7, 2024 at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite
Ticket : 40 euros